Yoga for Autism
Yoga for Autism's mission is to spread the healing practice of yoga to individuals with autism and other special needs worldwide.
We offer private and group classes, workshops and retreats, instructional resources online and printed, and opportunities to teach in the US and abroad.
What is yoga?
Yoga is an ancient healing practice from India. The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit term ‘yuj’ meaning ‘to unite’. The International Association of Yoga Therapists has defined Yoga Therapy as, “The process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the philosophy and practice of Yoga.”
Yoga has many benefits for people of all ability levels. Physically, yoga improves coordination, circulation, energy level, and independence, and balances the nervous system and hormone responses. Mentally, yoga relaxes the mind and improves communication, ability to focus, positivity, and receptiveness. Emotionally, yoga helps people become more aware and balanced in their emotions, creating confidence and replacing anxiety and fear with relaxation and peace.
For children with special needs, yoga offers the opportunity to develop essential life skills and thrive in their mind, body, and spirit, regardless of their ability level.